My sister happened to be there, so I saw my niece and nephew in the car, but my nephew was strapped in, so all I could do was squeeze his little hand, and my niece was having a tearful meltdown, so had nothing to say to me either. Then into the city for various things (including a further self-indulgent book purchase, after having bought a giant armload of used paperbacks at the used store not two weeks ago. Today I picked up Darkly Dreaming Dexter, the book which the TV series Dexter is based on, failed to get the first Sookie Stackhouse book that the TV series True Blood is based on, and grabbed a Harry Dresden graphic novel, as I've been reading the text novels and saw all the episodes of the TV show The Dresden Files also).
It was all very nice. We saw the latest Bond, and I'm no Bond fan, but liked it OK. It had a lot of real acting, and dialogue and intrigue, once all the silly running, jumping, crashing and noise of the beginning was over with. Craig's the man. Also, quite a lot of restraint was shown in not making absolutely everything explode three times. Most of the explosions were saved for the end. It was nice. I hadn't eaten anything but candy since breakfast, normally a recipe to feel sick and headachey and perhaps get the shakes, but I was OK in time to leave the Bond movie, with its final scene of falling snow, to walk out into falling snow and get a pizza with shrimp on it, and a beer. It was nice.
I bought a cheap persian style rug. I think it really ties my room together. I'm tempted to buy a more authentic one.