Tuesday 28 October 2008

Video Games

(this is a montage that I made of video games, starting with arcade versions, then switching to the feeble attempts of home consoles to duplicate them, then pefecting sound and graphics beyond them)

I haven't posted in a while.  Mostly, this is because I've been doing a lot of teaching, and I don't blog about things that happen at school, because kids can read about that here.  Suffice it to say that today these words came out of my mouth: "Try coming off as smart instead of stupid.  You might like it."  Too many stupid things to recount (or even count) happen each day.  And I'm doing some of them myself.  Also, heart-breaking and great things happen too.

I've been building up my collection of  footage of  video games.  When Troy hasn't owned something (like an N64, a Playstation or a Playstation 2) I have picked them up used on the cheap, and some used games.

I am a hard sell on finishing games.  My attention is held only long enough to beat a couple of levels.  The latest PS2 ones are pretty engrossing, though.  Lego Star Wars II, Guitar Hero, Siphon Filter: The Omega Strain, Medal of Honour: Frontline, Burnout: Revenge and Return of the King are very cool.  I am the envy of my married friends, who are about a decade behind in video games (as was I, only last month).

I am having many interesting arguments and adding many interesting and unlikely people on Facebook.  Religious arguments can be as nasty as they can be pointless, usually simultaneously.  The weather is drippy, grey, damp and cold and has been for some time.  My friends are all off wherever it is they go until they need to talk to me again after a few months have elapsed. 

1 comment:

GreenGiant9 said...

holy titiessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss fucking cockssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss hey mr moore