Wednesday, 8 July 2009

A Start to July

I finished up my school year with a whole lot of watching downloaded stuff, of course, and also watching my way through the rest of the series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as I have it on DVD and really think it was creatively and cleverly made.

I also wrote something the size of a book, meant to be a book, which was based on C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters, but which I used to put forth my own ideas and story, rather than using his.  I used his conceit of a supervising demon advising a personal tempter how to mess up the lives of people, but instead of a demon screwing up one guy, I had it be the story of an evil spirit stifling, dividing and destroying the function of a Christian group (a "church community" if you will).  I found which allows you to print your own books, and sell them, so I'm in the middle of making that happen.

Had a great Sunday BBQ at J's parent's place.  Some teachers came, and my sister and niece.  Many people played music, including me.  One guy sang just like Elvis Presley all the time, but didn't sing Elvis songs, which was interesting.

I've been trying to do something about my apartment.  It is very small, and I moved all my stuff into here after living in the ground floor of an entire house, and I amass as much stuff as I can (particularly in the realms of musical equipment, DVDs, CDs, LPs, books, magazines, comic books and the like).  This makes my tiny place look like every one of Ali Baba's forty thieves has been robbing book stores and Future Shop, and is using my place to store the loot.  Messily.

Yesterday I put out to the recycling and trash a record amount of cardboard packaging for such things, and stuff arrived from eBay. I collected pretty much every VHS tape I had (professional ones I bought, and not taped on by me) and put them out in a "Free" box today.  I would have done earlier, but it has rained so much this summer.  

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