Tuesday 22 September 2009


I decided to publish the "demon emails" in my book ]The Screwtape Emails: Lessons in Ecclesiastical Mincing on a blog of their own.
So I'm into the swing of things now, the days are getting grayer and colder and nothing much besides school is going on unless I am careful to set stuff up.  Obviously, when the hilarious things that happen in a school happen to and around me, I can't really put it up here, but suffice it to say that one of my "out there, totally random theoretical examples" was coincidentally 100% untheoretical for one kid. Played at an open stage last week.  Seems like a good idea to do more of that.  Played this.  Except a lot better.  I'm now much more nervous to sing into a microphone hooked to a recording device, than to a P.A. in front of a room full of people.
Thought House's premier episode was a daring and decisive break from formula. Just what a show going into its sixth year is not normally allowed to do.  I thought it worked.  Hugh Laurie said in Season 1 that it was very important that House never learn better, never improve.  They're messing with that a bit.  I suppose so long as he's bad at it, it will be fun anyway.
Mallory put me onto some awesome time-waster websites:

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