Saturday, 13 September 2014

Light and Truth

When I started this blog, I was a big believer in the idea that the truth will set us free, that all the evil stuff in all the churches around here is done in the dark corners, and that if people hurt by the local stuff shone a light on it, that changes might happen.   That it was being buried in the name of "discretion" and "wisdom," and that the burying of the dirty laundry was the problem.  That people didn't know.  (Not really. Not the details. Not the extent. Not the role of secrecy in it all.)  I thought that if people ever found out about half of it, change would just have to happen, somehow.  That's how I thought it worked, with human beings.  Because I used to care.
     Well nowadays, as near as I can see, earnest and angry and caring people all over the Internet have shone light into the dark corners of all kinds of different church groups for decades now, and the overwhelming response is "Yeah. We know. Shut up and go away."
     It doesn't appear to bring change or repentance. Just resentment and more dividedness. So I'm rethinking that whole issue (as to how I behave) radically. I'm willing to shine a light on stuff, even if it really upsets people who hurt others or help cover it up, if it does some good. But it doesn't seem to. So I don't think the "shining light everywhere" action is justifiable anymore.  In fact, it just might make people more culpable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps, you have moved on? Some of us have walked this road and have done our share of exposing. Eventually it becomes healthier to step into the light ourselves.

It is still important that the light is shone. There are others who will use your knowledge to focus their own beam.