Sunday 22 March 2009

Breaking Hard

Once the first part of the week was over, things picked up. I drank Guinness at an open stage and played quite a few different kinds of songs to positive reaction there. Then Michael came in from out of town and I picked him up and we recorded some songs with my sister. Then we all went out to a pub with an excellent party music band playing and had Guinness. Yesterday I drove him to Montreal to visit his sister and nephews, and as it was late, I slept over after playing quite a lot of Soul Caliber on Wii after watching quite a lot of Call of Duty 4 and Gears of War 2 getting played until the XBox 360 fried. Today has involved visiting and playing pool. No Guinness, sadly. Michael was supposed to leave on the train back from Montreal to NYC today, but the directions to the train station which we were given had a "West" where there was supposed to be an "East" and he didn't make it. He'll go tomorrow, by which time I'll be back educating the largely unwilling. I'm putting off driving back home, as it's a boring, featureless drive. Should go soon.

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