Saturday, 3 July 2010

Got my microphones!

My Shure SM57s came in the mail today.  I put one on one side of the Leslie speaker cabinet, and my AKG CS1000 on the other side to get a stereo ping-ponging effect in the ears as the speaker rotated.  Mike the Math Teacher from school came over to help me lift my apartment-size (right size for an apartment, not the size of an apartment) dishwasher up the several flights of stairs.

Once it was safely bestowed in my kitchen, I had Mike noodle on the slightly out-of-tune guitar as I recorded what it sounded like through the Leslie.  Keep in mind that there are no effects on this clean, electric guitar apart from the sound coming out of speaker inside the cabinet which is spinning.  It can go two different speeds.  It is here. It probably won't sound like much through a laptop, or any system without some good speakers which are a few feet apart to give a stereo effect.  Headphones would be best, for full "mysterious shimmer" effect.

1 comment:

virgonomic said...

I know how to play some of Black Hole Sun now! w00t!