Tuesday 5 August 2003

It's Not Logical, but...

So, last week I realized something, came to an epiphany of sorts: Besides the fact thatnothing much was going on in my life, my life wasn't moving forward ordeveloping in any way. Back when I worked at Nortel, I used to work 14 hour shifts and it would take me a couple of months, and then I'd realize "I'm not living my life, I'm sleepwalking through aschedule other people put together for me." Now, waiting for teaching jobsto open up for September, I'm doing very little, but I realized that I waswatching movies I knew all the words to, listening to music (same deal) andreading books (same thing again). Nothing new. Staying in the sameplace doing the same old things and a whole lot of nothing. Once I realized just how sick I was of more same-old, same-old nothing, I decided then and there that this week had to be different. Odd, but when you decide something likethat, suddenly the constipated gears of momentum start rolling again and thingsstart happening. Today, for the first time in many months, I didn't havetime to do anything I'd planned because unplanned things kept occurring.People showed up with stuff they needed or wanted to do, people dropped in tohang out and people phoned and woke me up in the morning and during a nap. I'm also planning a short road trip (that won't cost overmuch money). It did not seem like a logical move for someone whose money is pretty much nil, but I got a good deal from eBay on the very Spock doll that I loved so much when I was ten, and the guy forsome reason refused to ship it to anyone not Amurrican, so I got it shipped tofriends in the States and now I can drive down and say hello.

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