I was wondering why I've been struggling keep just out from under the edge of a crushing depression lately. Then I realized that I lost a 7 year old cat at Christmas, who I still really miss (Roger The Kitten is adorable and lively and chronicly affectionate and attention-seeking, but I don't know if he'll grow up to have that spark of intellect and casual "just hanging out" thing Syd had going on) and Joel is off doing his own stuff so I don't have him to hang out with on weekends, my sister is having her second kid and I'm unlikely to ever father a single one, my father has prostate cancer and is pondering what treatment to pursue, all of my closest friends are seen less and less often anywhere I am, and are more and more into their kids and Friends-With-Kids, and we don't really connect much at all when we see each other, not in the sense of having deep conversations or sharing anything much, anyway.
I have a giant stack of words-and-lyrics for my guitar book (of songs I could cover of other people). The latest print-outs for that are odd to play in sequence. For a few evenings, I've been getting on the guitar, and playing for an hour, kinda half Nirvana songs, half Elvis Presley, with some Johnny Cash, Neil Diamond and Guns 'N Roses tossed in. It's quite an odd mix of eras and esthetics. Good, though. That stuff is a big part of my roots.
I watched Pump Up The Volume tonight for the first time in years. I always kinda fondly remembered that movie, in terms of its attacking the well-meaning, heads-in-sand adults who can't deal with kids whose outlook on the world is that it is messed up. It was a bit sad to watch it and see how dated it's looking. Also, to see half of the fashions coming back in, and the other half definitely not. So, huge hoop earrings, bangs or flippy bobs, leggings and black and white clothes with lots of tacky bracelets and accessories on girls, but not the high-waisted jeans. The "Varsity" and preppy look on guys, but not Seth Green with a huge red mullet.